Running training

11 best running shoes for wide feet

Trying to find the best running shoes for wide feet is a long held frustration for anyone gifted with a broad forefoot! Wide feet, defined as having an increased width ...

Latest 5 trends in running shoes for 2023

It seems like there are new trends in running shoes each year that we hadn't heard of the previous year, then all of a sudden it's the must-have feature of ...

Runners, this is how to keep training with an injury

For a distance or ultrarunner, training with an injury is just part of the game. Niggles and minor injuries are going to happen if you're pushing your training and soreness ...

Return to running after calf injury

Returning to running after calf injuries is one of the most risky times for a runner. With the right guidance, you can reduce your chance of tweaking the calf again ...

Return to running after Achilles injury

Trying to return to running after Achilles injuries often leads to frustration and false starts! Regardless of how slowly you rebuild your volume, it's common that any running after Achilles ...

Return to running after hamstrings injury

A controlled return to running after hamstrings injury is one of the most vital, and commonly missed, elements of hammy injury rehab. It sounds crazy - you can do all ...