In This Article
Runners are one of the groups prone to getting hip bursitis (aka. Trochanteric Bursitis) and Gluteal tendinopathy. That’s because the nature of running, particularly distance running, can lead to fatigue in the key muscles that support the hip and prevent overload.
As you impact the ground when running, the bigger Gluteal muscles and smaller deep hip rotators kick in to brace the leg. The further you run, the more these muscles need to do. That makes sense.
The muscle work of the hip stabilisers can be increased by other factors as well. Uneven ground, bad shoes and other injuries can all add workload to the hip muscles and leads to overload and exhaustion.
That’s when hip bursitis and Gluteal tendinopathy can strike!
Fatigued deep hip rotators and gluteal muscles cause the hip to shift on landing, leading to a sudden strain on the bursa and tendon. This causes an inflammatory reaction and can lead to pain on running, side sleeping and more.
The approach to overcoming these issues can involve a number of interventions. Strength training can improve the muscle’s endurance and delay the onset of fatigue. Running on firm ground makes a big difference – running on concrete is much better than grass or soft ground as it’s easier to land in a stable position. (That’s the exact opposite of what most people try!)
The other big factor is running shoes, which is why you searched for running shoes for hip bursitis or hip tendinopathy. It’s worth noting here that hip bursitis and Gluteal tendinopathy are different conditions but they often exist together in the same injury and are caused by the same patterns and forces. When you’re looking for ways to improve hip bursitis pain or Gluteal tendinopathy symptoms, the fixes are effective for both.
Running shoes can improve the stability of the leg instantly, reducing the workload of the muscles and delaying the onset of fatigue. The right shoe should combine a stable platform with a mid-high heel-toe offset (aka. heel drop) OR a rocker bottom. The higher drop (that’s the downwards angle between heel height and toe height) avoids your ankles getting in the way of forward movement. The rocker bottom helps the foot transition, minimizing the impact of ankle stiffness and reducing the need for a higher drop.
List of best running shoes for hip bursitis and Gluteal tendinopathy
Here are our favorite running shoes for hip bursitis and gluteal tendinopathy, in no particular order. They’re all available in a wide fit with the exception of the New Balance 860.
We’ve included their stats to help you compare, as well as a link to Amazon to show you the comparative prices and color options (that’s an affiliate link so it helps support the site – thank you).
New Balance 860

Womens: 10mm drop, 35mm heel height, 258g, NO wide available (although you can select from the Mens range to get a D width)
**Special note: this article has Physiotherapist-recommended products with affiliate links to trusted vendors, selected for their fast & reliable service and great prices. The article was written prior to sourcing the affiliate links and the links in no way influence our recommendations.