8 best running shoes for bad knees
If you're searching for "the best running shoes for bad knees", you're probably at a stage where knee pain is ...
Runners, this is how to keep training with an injury
For a distance or ultrarunner, training with an injury is just part of the game. Niggles and minor injuries are ...
Getting knee pain after squats?
Knee pain after squats has to be one of the most common complaints after a gym session! It's NOT a ...
3 easy ways to fix knee pain with squats
One of the most common complaints heard around the gym floor has to be knee pain, and more specifically knee ...
Physiotherapy’s 3 most effective mobility exercises
That may sound like a bold call, but there's a good reason why you only need 3 mobility exercises to ...
Can I run with IT band injury?
As soon as runners feel that frustrating knee pain, the brain automatically asks "can I run with IT band injury?" ...