Foot and ankle pain articles

Ankle sprain – the quick fix for your rolled ankle

Ankle sprains occur after a rapid and uncontrolled "roll" of the ankleSwelling and/or bruising indicates structural damage, usually involving a ...

6 big industry secrets about bone stress reactions

A bone stress reaction is the medical name for a (usually) painful bone irritation. They're most commonly see in the ...

Talar dome lesion – a complication of ankle sprain

Talar dome lesion refers to an injury to the surface of the bone in the ankle joint, the Talus. It's ...

9 awesome strength exercises while you’re stuck in a boot!

There is nothing more frustrating than being stuck in a boot or a leg cast for weeks. You may have ...

3 reasons for ankle pain after running [+ 2 self-help tips]

Ankle pain after running is surprisingly common, even amongst experienced runners. The usual story is that it started for no ...

Plantarfasciitis – how to fix this persistent injury

Plantarfasciitis is a painful irritation of the band under the foot, just in front of the heel bone. Classic plantarfasciitis ...